Saturday, 31 December 2011

Nice Space

Everything is just spot on!

Cava Cava Cava

Gonna get some of this to stay up tonight!
Happy New Year!
All the best! God bless!

Lol. Thank you!

caffe espresso!

Friday, 30 December 2011

Holiday Centerpiece

This is my idea of the perfect holiday centerpiece!

Some Outfits I dig.

Some great looks.

Holiday Stuff

Christmas time is wonderful, for me it is spent with loved ones celebrating
the birth of our saviour! Can you say happy? haha ;) It wonderful, the best gift of all.

But when people are brought together, you share food! Food is great, big fan, love cooking it, 
love eating it even more ! Here are some platter photos!

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Came across this photo and wanted to share it,
I will look for a link to share more about it.

Hallway Decoration

I'm going to share some photos of how I decorated my hallway for christmas!

I used some yarn and wooden pins to hang up our christmas card!

Bathroom with a View

This is just a beautiful bathroom. 
The layout is great, and the view better.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Gold Tray

I like this shop on etsy called up in the air somewhere.
Their latest piece is this beautiful gold and white tray!

Another Blog

I found this sweet blog, and a want to share a couple photos.


I've been trying to find some cool sculptures, and stumbled across this!

I like it, but not sure if I would dish out the money for it haha.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Green Green Green

Found a new fashion blog called 'fashion tricks', and wanted to share some of her
photos from a holiday colours post!

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Some serious studding.


This bathroom has an almost tough feel to it, but the natural light keeps it romantic and light.

Cool Front

The front of this house is beautiful, so much design!

What can you even say huh ?!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Pretty in PINK

I am not a big ambassador of pink, but I can appreciate it! :)
I stumbled upon someone's Pinterest board of all pink, and 
thought it was worth sharing!